Our Job aptitude test past questions and answers materials are so numerous that we can’t list all of them on our shop. Our human resource team are always working round the clock to ensure you have the material to prepare for any recruitment exam. If you can’t find a specific material after searching through our online store, just contact us via our whatsapp platform and we will make the material available for you at the regular cost.
Send the following details to us via whtsapp:
1. Your name
2. The Recruiting Company / Agency
3. The position for which you are writing the test
4. The HR agency handling this test if you have this information
5. The date of your test if you have this information
If you are not on whatsapp, use the form below to submit your request.
If you have already found this past questions material on our store there is no need to submit a request for it again, just go ahead and purchase it from the store. This request is only necessary if you can not find it anywhere on our website. Fill the form below to submit your request. If you need to talk to us, you can chat with us on WhatsApp.