We are sorry to let you know that we have increased the prices of our exams materials starting from January 2025 due to compelling market forces beyond our control. So all our exam materials will now be sold for at least ₦4,000 instead of the usual ₦3,000.
Below are some of the reasons forcing us to take this reluctant step.
Over the years we have continued to provide quality resourceful exams past questions materials at a token of ₦3,000 which is far lower than what is obtainable around the world. At least not for junks but for quality materials like our own. (The thousands of our positive customers’ reviews here can attest to that).
It is easy for anybody to copy and paste junks of materials and sell at a lower price, even as low as ₦500, after all they will be useless to the buyers at the end of the day. However sourcing for genuine quality resourceful exams materials is quite expensive.
Many a time we spend a whole lot of money getting these materials directly from the candidates who took the tests in the past, again it cost us lots of money to have some testing agencies release these past questions to us from their past exams archives. Many a times these questions do not come with answers but we also have to regularly pay professionals from various fields to proffer correct answers to these sourced questions.
In spite of the above cost implications in sourcing for materials we still managed to maintain our prices all these years. But the recent continued rise in the Dollar / Naira exchange rate has drastically increased the cost of our website hosting and maintenance by over 500%. This ugly market forces have left us with no choice than to consider price increase to enable us continue to keep this people’s favorite website online.
Thanks for your understanding and your continued patronage all these years, without you there will be no jobsgivers.com. With God helping us, we will continue to keep up the good work.
Don’t forget to click here to check the reviews of other happy buyers of our exams materials to give you an idea of what we are doing.
Signed: Management.