INEC Will Disqualify These Candidates on Recruitment Interview Day

INEC threatened to disqualify candidates on screening / interview day whose uploaded passport did not meet the specified requirement during their application in the 2020 nationwide recruitment exercise.

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Latest News about INEC Recruitment 2020 Interview

The latest news update we have gathered about INEC 2020 Recruitment is that candidate who did not pay much attention to INEC application guidelines before submitting their application may likely be thrown out of the 2020 INEC recruitment interview / screening exam venue.


Why Uploaded Photo Matters in INEC Application / Interview

INEC stated on their portal that on the day of interview they will give much attention to the passport photograph uploaded by applicants during their application as most photos are not true representative of the bearer. Hence any photo that does not meet up with the requirements specified by INEC on their Job portal we be rejected on the interview day.

Also Read These Important News Update About INEC 2020 Recruitment

INEC Application Requirements for Passport Upload

In case you are already panicking now if your uploaded photo meet up with INEC requirement, in this latest news update about INEC 2020  recruitment, we will remind you of the statement by INEC in their application portal as far as passport photo upload is concern.

INEC Passport Requirement

Below is the extracted statement of INEC from their portal concerning passport photo requirement in 2020 application otherwise candidates will face disqualification at the screening / interview venue:


INEC Important Job Application Guidelines

Ensure that you follow the guidelines below. Passports Applications with photos that do not match these specifications are liable to be rejected when you come for the interview.


  1. The image must have adequate brightness and contrast;
  2. The skin tone should be natural. In case of over-exposure or under-exposure of the photo, the skin is either too dark or too light, photo will not be acceptable;
  3. It should show a close up of the head and partial shoulders;
  4. The image should be straight looking, centered with neutral expression;
  5. Face should be in sharp focus and clear;
  6. The face from forehead edge to bottom of chin should be 70 to 80% of the photo or one inch height;
  7. The eyes must be open and no hair obscuring the face;
  8. Prescription glasses if worn should be clear and thin framed and should not have flash reflection or obscure the eyes;
  9. Head coverings, hair, head-dress or facial ornaments should not obscure the face;
  10. The photo must have plain light background;
  11. There must be no other people or object in the photo;
  12. The lighting must be uniform with no shadows on the face or behind;
  13. Red eye photos are not allowed;
  14. No lines are allowed.
  15. No PNG image allowed.
  16. Max size of the passport allowed (320KB).


Passports Applications with photos that do not match these specifications are liable to be rejected when you come for the interview.

Applicants are advised not to submit photos with any of the defects listed above.

So if you are yet to apply for the 2020 INEC recruitment exercise, ensure you take the following guidelines into consideration before uploading your passport photograph.

While waiting for INEC 2020 recruitment screening / examination, you can click the link below to download our comprehensive INEC past questions and answers: