Results of SUSDEVI test | candidates for physical interview 6th May 2019

Results of SUSDEVI test | Final SUSDEVI Test Results | candidates for physical interview May 2019 – Here is the new update for those who partook in the just concluded SUSDEVI test.

Sustainable Development International (SUSDEVI) just concluded its online test last week. Since them several candidates who participate in the online test have been reaching out to us on various medium in a bid to get the latest update on SUSDEVI with regard to the online test result.

In this publication 6th may, 2019, we are going to answer the questions below which are some of the questions these candidates have been asking us on

  • Are SUSDEVI test results out?
  • When will SUSDEVI released their test results?
  • Where can I check the list of successful candidates who passed SUSDEVI online test?
  • How do I check SUSDEVI shortlisted candidates for physical interview?
  • When is SUSDEVI Physical interview?
  • I heard that SUSDEVI final test result is out, where can I check the test results?
  • Has the Successful candidates for physical interview been released?
  • Has anybody checked the Results of SUSDEVI test?



Ever since SUSDEVI started its recruitment process few months ago, the JobsGivers human Resource team has been monitoring the whole process and updating candidates about current events surrounding the recruitment. We advise you to read this publication carefully as it will cover every area of SUSDEVI next stage of physical interview.



The online test has successfully ended and reviews to shortlist candidates for physical interview have been ongoing.

Criteria for selection include the following, among others;

– Quality and completeness of candidate’s application.

– Candidate’s technical skills and their relevance to preferred position.

– Level of support/compliance to SUSDEVI FOI policy.

– Performance in online test.

– Candidate’s Aptitude.

– Ability to follow instructions.

– Ability to take on initiative.

Invitation emails for interview will be sent on Wednesday May 8, 2019 so all candidates are advised to keep a tab on their emails (Inbox and Spam folders) on this date.


Please note the following:

  1. Invitation emails will only come from Except otherwise announced on this Page, emails not originating from this email address should be ignored for safety reasons.
  2. The email address stated above is currently on “send only” mode and will not receive emails. Dedicated email and local phone numbers for enquiries and support to shortlisted candidates will be provided in the invitation email.
  3. Emails will only be sent to shortlisted candidates. So not receiving an email means that you have not been selected for the interview.
  4. Candidates’ bank account information will not be asked for within this period. Stipend to defray transport expenses will be provided through alternative means after the interview.
  5. Further information and communication on the recruitment will now be limited to shortlisted candidates through the channels provided in the emails.

That is the current position in the 2019 SUSDEVI recruitment, as new updates roll out, the JobsGivers team will keep you posted too.



Remember, candidates who are shortlisted for SUSDEVI physical will receive interview invitation on the 8th of May, 2019. Please set a reminder for this date and ensure you come back to this place (JOBSGIVERS.COM) and visit JobsGivers facebook and twitter pages for proper guidance.

From tomorrow, we are going to be giving candidates tips on what to expect in the physical interview on our Facebook and twitter pages as well as other updates as events unfold.

So if you have not followed us on our social media channel, click the links below to either like us on facebook or follow us on twitter:

If you have been in the dark as far as SUSDEVI recruitment is concern, you can use any of the links below to read some of our previous publications about 2019 SUSDEVI recruitment.



If you still have any question about Results of SUSDEVI test or candidates for physical interview or any other question related to SUSDEVI, feel free to drop your comment in the comment box below and one of our human resources team will respond to you promptly.

Good luck,

The JobsGivers team!