PYES Shortlisted Candidates – How to check 2019 PYES Shortlisted Names

The full details about PYES Shortlisted candidates and how to check PYES shortlisted names can be found here in this update.

Before now several applicants where bothering us about the challenges they were having about PYES registration. But over the past few days many of these applicants were able to successfully apply for PYES empowerment programme after following our several guides on how to successfully complete PYES application.

Just recently we noticed that most of these applicants no longer question us about PYES registration challenges, rather their questions have changed to the ones listed below:

  • Has PYES Shortlisted Candidates?
  • Where can I check PYES Shortlisted Names
  • Are the shortlisted names for PYES out?
  • When will PYES shortlisted candidate out?


So we have decided to use this publication to address this issue so as to put their mind at rest as far as PYES shortlisted candidates and how to check 2019 PYES shortlisted names are concern.

Has PYES Actually Shortlisted Names As The Rumour Carres?

The answer is ‘’NO’’, PYES shortlisted candidates for the 2019 PYES empowerment application / registration. As a matter of fact the portal for the registration for PYES is still opened for submission of application.


However do not panic, when PYES shortlisted candidates is out we will publish it here on JOBSGIVERS.COM  and we will also show you how and where to check the PYES shortlisted names.


I’m New to PYES, I Need more Guide and Info.


If this is the first time you are hearing about Presidential Youth Empowerment Scheme (P-YES) just click each of the links below to read through our previous guide on PYES registration to get started.


If you have already applied and you want to be notified when PYES shortlisted candidates is out just comment ‘’NOTIFY ME’’ in the comment box below.