Nigerian Army Shortlisted Candidates for DSSC and SSC 2018 / 2019

Few weeks ago the Nigerian Army started recruitment for Direct Short Service Combatant Course Dssc and Short Service Combatant Course Dssc. The application for the Nigeria Army DSSC and SSC ended November, 2018. Owning to this application, the list of the Nigerian Army Shortlisted Candidates for DSSC and SSC 2018 / 2019 is now out. So candidates who applied for the Nigerian Army DSSC and SSC who want to know how to check the Nigerian Army Shortlisted Candidates for DSSC and SSC 2018 / 2019 for the upcoming screening and physical exercise should read carefully read further to get the full details.

How to Check the List of the Nigerian Army Shortlisted Candidates for DSSC and SSC 2018 / 2019.

To check the Nigerian Army Shortlisted Candidates for DSSC and SSC 2018 / 2019, candidates are to visit the portal for the 2018 / 2019 Nigerian Amy DSSC and SSC Recruitment.

Before checking for the list, candidates are to take not of their application number that was generated for them when they registered for the Nigerian Army DSSC and SSC recruitment 2018 / 2018.

The list are arranged alphabetically by state, so to check the Nigerian Army Shortlisted Candidates for DSSC and SSC 2018 / 2019, candidates are to navigate down to the pages has their state to check for their names.

Candidates who find their names in the list of the Nigerian Army Shortlisted Candidates for DSSC and SSC 2018 / 2019 are advice to get their necessary kits for the parade exercise ready, however other things required of the candidates who find their names in the Nigerian Army Shortlisted Candidates for DSSC and SSC 2018 / 2019 will be found in the Nigerian army DSSC and SSC recruitment portal.

To check the shortlisted names for DSSC and SSC click the appropriates link below:



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